
The RESIDENTIAL HOUSES present on this site correspond to the energy performance standards established by European Directive 31/2010 or the French equivalent RE 220. These standards bear the abbreviated name NZEB from NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDING

What are the NZEB criteria and principles?

Superior thermal performance of the component elements (walls, roof, floors); air tightness; reduced thermal bridges; performance carpentry; the use of renewable energy; the use of ventilation with heat recovery.

The houses in the HOLIDAY HOMES category can also be used in any season in any region.

In order to comply with the above standards (mandatory only for homes over 50 m2 useful), it is sufficient to add an additional layer of insulation in the walls and ceiling and we will be in compliance.

Wall details

Roof details

Basement details


The RESIDENTIAL HOUSES present on this site correspond to the energy performance standards established by European Directive 31/2010 or the French equivalent RE 220. These standards bear the abbreviated name NZEB from NEARLY ZERO ENERGY BUILDING

What are the NZEB criteria and principles?

Superior thermal performance of the component elements (walls, roof, floors); air tightness; reduced thermal bridges; performance carpentry; the use of renewable energy; the use of ventilation with heat recovery.

The houses in the HOLIDAY HOMES category can also be used in any season in any region.

In order to comply with the above standards (mandatory only for homes over 50 m2 useful), it is sufficient to add an additional layer of insulation in the walls and ceiling and we will be in compliance.

Wall details

Roof details

Basement details